Solutions and Causes of Low back pain: Part 2--Exploring a rotated pelvis

I have so many people who come to me for massage therapy with low back pain. Hardly anyone gets away without some form of low back pain at some point in their life.

Let me make this completely clear. You do not experience back pain because the spinal column is weak. Your lower spine or lumbar spine is incredibly resilient and strong. Usually, it’s not just one incident that creates low back pain. It is often a combination of things that you repeated throughout the decades.

This video I talk about how rotations in the pelvis can cause low back pain. The reasons for these rotations can be varied. For example, you can create a rotation because of a broken toe. The pain leads your body to compensate so you don’t create more pain. This is the beginning of a learned rotation in the body. Over time this can cause issues and lead to pain in a completely different area than the original injury.

The body only knows holistic movement. Period. End of story. It does see the toe as separate from anything else. Do me a favor and read that sentence again! because it’s important. Your body is amazing in its ability to adapt. Initially, it always does this adaptation for a very good reason. Our job in our exploration is to invite your body to move in a different way. So the nervous system can feel that that movement is safe.
This opens up the possibility for different movements. These new movements erode those compensation adaptations. Hopefully, that makes sense, and if it doesn’t, leave your question in the comments section.

Go ahead and watch the video. Do the exercises with me and let me know how you feel afterward.

Stay tuned form more!

Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

Are you taking care of yourself?

A client of mine asked me this question about two weeks ago. It stopped me in my tracks because that voice inside my head was an emphatic, No!

I was so grateful for that comment because it woke me up. I didn't beat myself up like I might have in the past. Instead I started to make small changes.

I focused on slowing down my pace, pausing before reacting. I called some body workers and scheduled appointments through January. I started using some ANF protocols to relieve anxiety and calm my nervous system.

I took more small movement breaks like this one. Here I am playing with how I experience weight--shifting and feeling the weight of my body change the sensations though my hips, caressing my arms so that I can better and more fully experience the weight of my arms as they hang, adding weight to my head so I can grow my neck longer.

If you start to follow me, you won't learn how to nail a handstand or how to achieve this pose or that movement. I've focused on that stuff in the past, and it has a ton of merit.

What I do now, what you'll see if you follow me is that there is so much depth to what you can feel in every moment if you know what to look for. If you slow down and get into the corners and dark places of your body where internal awareness might be weak.

My focus is feeling better inside this beautiful body. No matter the size, shape or ability. Feeling good is our birthright....the trick is remembering.

Are you taking care of yourself?

The Tricky Thing About Pain

Pain is a tricky thing to treat. Ask any doctor. If it was as simple as taking a pill or waiting until you recover and your cells repair, there would be no chronic pain: there would be no aches and pains. Aging would be a breeze!

The truth is pain and pain pathways in the body are felt and experienced differently depending on the person and their background. Your physical body is a manifestation of EVERYTHING you have ever experienced in your life!

Physical traumas are only PART of the story. Emotional traumas create the same pain pathways in the nervous system that physical traumas do.

Seeing a practitioner that understands this dynamic relationship is crucial! If this concept has grabbed your interest, here's an article by a spine surgeon. He explains the circumstances that led him to close his practice and focus on the whole person.

If you have more questions, send me an email. I'd be happy to discuss this with you

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