It's the little things done on repeat.
Monday mornings in my office tend to be very much the same.
👐Come into office
👐put clean linens away
👐water plants
👐chase dust bunnies around
👐close blinds
👐and get ready for clients.
These steps are so familiar that I hardly notice they're happening.
This is how we build efficiency and proficiency.
Now the problem comes in when we need to add a step when the need for improvement arises.
Fighting your programming and changing can be hard!
But remember it's the LITTLE things done on repeat that compound into BIG results.
For example, going to the gym 3 times will yield very little results. BUT going to the gym 3 times a week for a year will completely change you. Or for example, saving money. If I put fifty bucks into my savings account one time. It’s good, but fifty bucks doesn’t buy me much. BUT if I put fifty bucks into my savings once a week for a whole year, you will have saved $2,600.
Massage and bodywork are no different. Find a frequency that works for your goals and for your budget. Make making an appointment your small act and put it on repeat.
This done over the years will change your mind, body, and soul. It's much more than a luxury.
It connects you to the present. It grounds you into your body and your experience.
What does it feel like to be calm, to feel good? Do you even remember?