Calla graduated from Gordon College with a degree in Kinesiology. During her time there as a student athlete, she found the tremendous value of massage in prevention, pain management, and recovery processes.
Calla Ashley, LMT
In college, Calla was diagnosed with Compartment Syndrome. Many days the only way she could walk around campus was to receive a massage to ease her pain. After her surgery, massage was also a large part of her recovery process. This sparked her excitement to pursue massage therapy as a career.
She graduated from the Lancaster School of Massage, gaining a foundation in Swedish Massage, NMT, MFR, and CT. Calla firmly believes in massage’s therapeutic and healing abilities for people from all walks of life. It has always been her passion to aid people in lessening their burdens and easing tension. She has found massage to be the perfect avenue to pursue that calling.
As Bessel van der Kolk’s book reminds us, The Body Keeps the Score. Stress and tension reveal themselves differently in each of our lives and bodies. It is Calla’s desire to integrate various massage modalities and techniques to create a custom treatment plan for each client to best meet their needs and goals.
When she is not working with clients at Bright Mountain Bodywork, Calla is a coach of women’s soccer at Lancaster Bible College. She is very passionate about sports, exercise, and holistic wellness in her own lifestyle habits and hopes to help clients find that balance as well. Finding work encompassing all of these areas has been such a blessing to Calla. Outside of the office she also enjoys spending time with her niece and nephew, dog, and family, or finding the closest coffee shop to her location at any moment in time.